Where do government salaries go?

The government spends 22% of its total expenditure on salaries for government employees. Do you know which sector it spends the most on?

Breakdown of data
SectorMinistries under the SectorSalaries and Wages (Personal Emolument) (Rs. ‘000)
DefenceMinistry of Defence267,567,750
EducationMinistry of Education34,029,900
FinanceMinistry of Finance27,588,920
Local and Provincial GovernmentMinistry of Internal and Home Affairs and Provincial Councils & Local Government26,859,250
HealthMinistry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine80,780,000
Transport & CommunicationMinistry of Postal Services & Muslim Religious Affairs11,612,700
Ministry of Transport & Civil Aviation10,609,500
Ministry of Telecommunications, Foreign Employment and Sports768,980
Non Cabinet Ministry of Mass Media173,400
Ministry of Highways & Road Development and Petroleum Resources Development250,850
AgricultureMinistry of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development15,775,311
Ministry of Plantation Industries527,300
JusticeMinistry of Justice & Prison Reforms11,389,450
Energy, Urban Development and IndustryNon Cabinet Ministry of Labour & Trade Union Relations1,749,000
Ministry of Tourism Development, Wildlife and Christian Religious Affairs1,834,650
Non Cabinet Ministry of Special Areas Development30,000
Non Cabinet Ministry of Economic Reforms and Public Distribution806,450
Ministry of Public Enterprise, Kandyan Heritage and Kandy Development66,650
Ministry of Housing, Construction and Cultural Affairs2,419,630
Non Cabinet Ministry of Science, Technology & Research538,650
Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade227,585
Ministry of Power, Energy and Business Development88,100
Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Resettlement of Protracted Displaced Persons and Co-operative Development706,200
Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment1,678,600
Ministry of Ports & Shipping and Southern Development106,600
Ministry of National Policies, Economic Affairs, Resettlement & Rehabilitation, Northern Province Development, Vocational Training & Skills Development and Youth Affairs6,350,210
Non Cabinet Ministry of Digital Infrastructure and Information Technology66,780
Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development254,000
Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education295,200
Welfare & Community ServicesMinistry of Buddhasasana & Wayamba Development499,450
Ministry of Primary Industries and Social Empowerment13,967,000
Ministry of Women & Child Affairs and Dry Zone Development886,387
Ministry of National Integration, Official Languages, Social Progress and Hindu Religious Affairs456,860
Other Central GovernmentMinistry of Lands and Parliamentary Reforms5,142,950
Ministry of Public Administration and Disaster Management1,837,859
Special Spending Units5,400,950
Ministry of Foreign Affairs7,346,050
Ministry of Hill Country New Villages, Infrastructure and Community Development141,650
SectorSalaries and Wages
Defence 267,567,750
Health 80,780,000
Education 34,029,900
Finance 27,588,920
Sub-national Government 26,859,250
Transport and Communication 23,415,430
Other 80,589,522


Other Central Government19,727,809
Energy, Urban Development
and Industry
Welfare and Community
Source: 2019 Ministry of Finance Budget Estimates

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